Solar Power: The Most Abundant Renewable Energy Source

December 08, 2021

What is a renewable energy source?

Renewable energy comes from sustainable sources—meaning it won’t run out. These energy forms are alternatives to the non-renewable sources we commonly rely on, like coal and other fossil fuels. Today, renewable energy makes up a significant portion of the national power grid, and it’s available for everyone to benefit from.

Types of Renewable Energies

The top three most popular forms of renewable energy are:

  1. Solar Energy
  2. Wind Energy
  3. Hydro Energy

Understanding each of these

  1. Solar energy is steadily becoming more affordable and accessible to generate than ever. Sunlight is the planet’s most abundant and freely available renewable energy source. Sunlight hits the solar panels and is then converted into usable electricity. Read more about how solar energy works here
  2. Wind energy is a plentiful source of clean energy, with wind farms becoming increasingly familiar in the US. To harness electricity from wind, turbines use drive generators to produce electricity.
  3. Hydro energy, also known as hydropower, is one of the most commercially developed renewable energy sources. A large reservoir is created by building a dam or barrier, and a controlled flow of water will drive a turbine, generating electricity.


One of the biggest advantages of using solar energy is its versatility. You can harness direct sunlight to heat your home’s water or convert it into electricity with photovoltaic (PV) cells. Solar systems can be installed on your roof or as a ground-mount system, soaking up the sun’s energy all day long. In fact, enough sunlight hits the earth’s atmosphere in just one hour to power the entire world’s electricity needs for a full year!

Everlight Solar Install in Wisconsin

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