Solar Loan
Produce your own energy with a solar loan
With a Solar Loan, you can buy your panels over time and potentially save money and increase your home’s value.*
Owning solar panels is finally affordable.
Don’t let a lack of funds prevent you from going solar. A Solar Loan allows you to pay for solar panels at your own pace. We take care of the installation and monitoring, and you enjoy producing your own solar power. Plus, your solar energy system is covered with a 10-year workmanship warranty as well as a 25-year linear performance warranty on the panels and 10-year manufacturer’s warranty on the inverter.
How does a Solar Loan work?
A Solar Loan works much like any other loan. A trusted lender lends you the money you need to pay for your home’s solar panel installation, and you pay it off over time. A Solar Loan can help you take advantage of the benefits of ownership, like tax credits and other incentives, without paying the entire cost of a solar energy system upfront.
Solar Plans
Explore Purchasing Options
solar loan
Finance your solar purchase with an affordable monthly payment
Low monthly payment to financing partner
Maintenance options available
Product & workmanship warranty
No upfront cost, keep tax credits & incentives
solar purchase
Purchase your solar panels and see immediate monthly savings on your power bill