Everlight Solar has been recognized by the company culture site, Comparably. Every year, Comparably celebrates the companies and leaders that are deemed as the most exceptional in 16 categories by those who know best – their own employees. This quarter, Everlight Solar was awarded the Best Company for Diversity Award.
Comparably’s Best Company for Diversity award is derived solely from employees of color (non-Caucasian) on their workplace experiences in the same core culture metrics analyzed for Best Culture. They anonymously rated their employers on Comparably.com over a 12-month period.
An anonymous team member stated, “We have a very diverse team, and thanks to that we have many different perspectives, which is a huge help for a department like marketing!”
This is the seventh award that Everlight Solar has received from Comparably. See more about the previous Best Places to Work Awards and other Everlight Solar awards! Why Everlight Solar? See what makes Everlight an amazing company to work for.