This past Sunday, nearly 500 runners participated in Twin Cities in Motion’s Earth Day 8k. As the presenting sponsor for the race, it was a no-brainer to support an organization and a community of runners committed to bettering themselves while enjoying our beautiful planet. The very planet that Everlight is working to protect.
A Beautiful Day
Watching runners come together after a socially distanced Minnesota winter was encouraging. Undoubtedly, the past year has brought numerous changes for many, including various new hobbies. For some, going for a run was one of the few ways to get out of the house. While Sunday was on the chillier side for a Minnesota April day, the grass was bright green, and you could feel that spring was in the air. However, the runners did not seem to mind the cooler temperatures. Whether this was their first-ever race or one of many, the energy and excitement of each individual went unmatched.
Everlight may not be in the fitness industry, but the connection is obvious. We know that cleaning our planet with renewable energy and divesting from fossil fuels improves air quality. To push it further, the impact of our society switching to solar power ensures that those who enjoy running outdoors can continue to do so safely. We believe everyone deserves the opportunity to opt outside for exercise, even years later.
A Brighter Future
At Everlight Solar, we believe in the benefits of solar and the ability of renewable energy to impact our planet for generations to come. We know that solar is cost-effective and that the systems we install will continue to reduce society’s reliance on fossil fuels. Our mission focuses on educating businesses and homeowners on the ease and feasibility of shifting to clean energy.
Let’s see if going solar is right for you. Contact us today for a free consultation!